Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Purity - Sexually
So, this subject has REALLY been on my heart lately.

Most of you know that I have a relationship with my Savior and would LOVE to share with the world my love and HIS Saving grace. AND I do share. I LOVE sharing.

BUT I pray about, and try to balance between shoving it down peoples throats...
sharing my faith in a way that will not offend people.

That being said,
God has put a HUGE burden on my heart to write about this.
I understand that this is a controversial subject. I also understand that some of you believe differently than I do.

Feel free to read this, or NOT
Feel free to comment or ask questions or not.
But, if you choose to do so, they are welcome.

So, please don't take this as anything but that I NEED to share my heart. This is NOT meant to be shoved down ANYONE'S throat.

I LOVE and respect each one of my readers. There are so many views out there. This is mine :)

I wanted to ask all of YOU what sexual purity means to you??

When I say this What do YOU think?

What feelings arise when you think about Sexual purity??

This is the plan. Every Tuesday for the duration of the summer I am going to have a guest blogger post about their experience with sexual purity. Before and after marriage.This is a series I am calling

"OUR purity walk."

My story will be mixed in here with all the wonderful people who have agreed to share.
I think that is going to be a learning experience.
AND an encouragement.

I have a heart for single men and women who want to stay sexually pure and feel alone.

This is a heavy subject.
Thank you for hanging with me. Stay tuned for our FIRST post in the series...  
"OUR purity walk."



  1. I think this is going to be great. I'll definitely be following along.

  2. So glad you are doing this series! Can't wait to hear the stories! :)

  3. this is going to be an amazing series!
    i cant wait to read them!!
    thanks so much for the sweet sweet comment on my blog. im so excited for new bloggy friends!!

  4. i will be tuned in every tuesday --- i am very excited for you as the readers of this series. i am so proud of you for being obedient to God's tugging and sharing such a tough topic! in Him alone!

  5. Just barely saw this post. LOL. I need to read in on my bloggy blogs more. So excited Kels. You are awesome. :]


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